Food in Fantastic Mr. Fox!

Fantantastic food in Fantastic Mr Fox! Roald Dahl introduces us to his three main antagonists, Farmer Boggis, Farmer Bunce and Farmer Bean in the very beginning of the novel and in his description of the three he compares them to unusual and rather disgusting foods; Farmer Boggis; "He eats three boiled chicken smothered with dumplings every day for breakfast, lunch and supper." Farmer Bunce; "His food was doughnuts and goose livers. He mashed the livers into a disgusting paste and stuffed the paste into the doughnuts." Farmer Bean; "Never ate food at all, he drank gallons of cider he made from apples in his orchard." A noticeable characteristic in Dahl's writing is his comparisons of food to characters. Describing nasty, stomach-churning foods to describe characters builds up a more physical disgust in response to them and their actions. As the farmers keep the foxes confined to a small hole underground they are stuck there for day...