Looking into The BFG and his big friendly guts:
The only food that the BFG states that he eats is snozzcumbers, yet another creative compilation of words made by Dahl that gets the reader guessing as to what on earth these are!? Snozzcumbers are disgusting striped warty-cucumber like vegetables with wart-like growths that taste like rotten fish for Sophie and slime and cockroaches for the BFG and sounds like crushing ice when eaten. One reason in which this snack may be up the BFG's street is that it varies from nine to twelve feet in size. I guess everyone has their own form of delicious. In the original 1982 book, according to Sophie a snozzcumber, "was about half as long again as an ordinary man but was much thicker. It was as thick around its girth as a perambulator. It was black with white stripes along its length. And it was covered all over with coarse knobbles.” An instant thought for me arising from this quote was what a perambulator is, it is, in fact, an old-fashioned term for a pram. None of this specific description of a snozzcumber sounds in any way appetizing and in fact the BFG agrees with us on that fact as Sophie emplores to him that there are many other enjoyable foods out there and a man of his size, he could swoop into a field and grab the largest bunch of carrots possible, yet out of the BFG's caring, kind nature he does not want to steal anyone to continues to eat the gruesome snozzcumbers.

Another scene in which food is specifically enjoyed by the BFG is when he and Sophie head over to the palace to meet with the Queen to discuss other giants eating humans. At this breakfast, the BFG cleans the palace out of bread and eggs. Sophie tells the Queen everything about Giant Country while the BFG is busy eating the entire contents of the royal kitchen. Don’t forget, this is a guy who’s used to living on snozzcumbers.
In the novel eating is used for evil by all of the other giants and it is only the big, friendly giant who has these wonderful, caring morals and would never look to cause harm on any humans yet the majority eat and therefore they kill, showing a dark element of food and eating in literature.
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